What Anne Frank Left For Her Friend Before Going Into Hiding

Among Anne Frank's other famed possessions are books, postcards, photos (of herself, her family, and movie stars), and of course, her marbles (via Anne Frank House). Toosje Kupers said Frank felt she had to get rid of things that were important to her so that others would not take them when she was gone. Sadly,

Among Anne Frank's other famed possessions are books, postcards, photos (of herself, her family, and movie stars), and of course, her marbles (via Anne Frank House). Toosje Kupers said Frank felt she had to get rid of things that were important to her so that others would not take them when she was gone. Sadly, neither of the friends knew at the time that her concern would not be necessary because she would not be returning. Although Frank's diary makes her seem wise beyond her years, the importance she placed on her toys rings of an innocence lost.

When it comes down to it, she was not an author or a famous diarist, a historian or a documentarist. She was just a girl who played in the street with her friends, read books, and collected postcards and celebrity photos. More importantly, she was just a girl who thought she would come home someday to her friends, her home, and her marbles.

