John Wayne Held Nothing Back In A Ruthless Rejection Of Clint Eastwood

Apparently, John Wayne harbored a latent dislike for Clint Eastwood, postulating that the ending of "High Noon" was "the most un-American thing I've ever seen in my whole life." So naturally, when he received the script for a project that Eastwood was spearheading called "The Hostiles," the decision to send it back was already locked

Apparently, John Wayne harbored a latent dislike for Clint Eastwood, postulating that the ending of "High Noon" was "the most un-American thing I've ever seen in my whole life." So naturally, when he received the script for a project that Eastwood was spearheading called "The Hostiles," the decision to send it back was already locked and loaded at his side like a fully charged six-shooter. Despite continued efforts from Eastwood to get The Duke on board for the film, no gesture of persistence or good will could overshadow how the latter really felt about him, as Express U.K. reports.

According to Wide Open Country, John Wayne flat out despised Clint Eastwood as an actor long before "The Hostiles" appeared in his towering pile of scripts, deeming his portrayal of the American West as something of a travesty. "John Wayne once wrote me a letter saying he didn't like 'High Plains Drifter'," Eastwood said. "He said it wasn't really about the people who pioneered the West. I realized that there's two different generations, and he wouldn't understand what I was doing." 

Even so, ol' Clint wasn't done trying to corral the iconic "El Dorado" star into his region of the cinematic West, so he sent a revised script for "The Hostiles" to Wayne one last time. Upon receiving it, Wayne reportedly hardly gave it the time of day, not even deigning to read it. He allegedly scoffed and remarked to his son, "Not this piece of s*** again," before tossing it over the side of his boat (per Verve Times).

